Jonas Råhlin

Frontend Developer

I build things and put them on the internet.

My Projects
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React Sass Bootstrap Git GitHub Figma Node.js Agile Development ChatGPT


Cyphon Games

Cyphon Games is a landingpage project created with the intent to sharpen my skills in SCSS.

The design is based on the website, and uses AI generated images, together with fonts and colorschemes handpicked by me, in order to showcase my own personal touch of style. It features things such as CSS animations, JavaScript DOM manipulations, viewport detections and event triggers.

Task Optima

Task Optima is a group project made at Nackademins Yrkeshögskola in 2024.
It was made by me, Fredrika Gerring and Yukako Sakazono.

The project is a productivity assistant, which was planned out, and developed using Agile Project Methodolgy. It features todo lists, habit trackers, weather applications, pomodoro timer and more.
It also utilizes local storage to register users and track habits, as well as api functionality for weather and random quotes.

The github repository is stored on Yukkos github page.

Colors Wave

Colors Wave is a simple JavaScript game that I made in order to practice basic Javascript.

It is a classic sequential game where the user has to repeat a color sequence in order to advance to the next round. After each round another color is added, and if the user fails to input the correct sequence, its game over.

Cebeko was created as a favor for a friend. It is a website for an accounting firm based in Sweden.

The site was made using the Bootstrap CSS framework. And also features a sidebar news display from SRF Konsulterna. It was made in accordance with client preferences, and is online at


I am a frontend developer with over three years of experience with frontend programming and other related tools. I am a creative problem solver with a passion for art, creativity, technology, and language. And I possess an imaginative mind that naturally seeks to understand how different pieces fit together.

I embraced frontend development for its remarkable balance between style and functionality. I am drawn to its ability to engage both the logical mind and the creative spirit, while also providing immediate visual feedback that enhances the development process.

When Im not developing, you can probably find me leading a tabletop roleplaying game, riding my bicycle, or enjoying time in nature.